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Dad’s Christmas List


Updated: 12/12/02


My initial list got an “F”.  Thank God for second chances

 - This one would be an “A”!!!


So that I can smell nice for my Katrusha!

To make egg salad better.

So that YOU could enjoy my caesar salad.

So that I can put on cologne (please see above) and cuddle up with my (please see above).

·        Someone to help paint the two bedrooms

So that you can enjoy it more.

·        Someone to install my IBM 360/60 front panel in the wall over the couch in the family room, frame it and electrify the lights

I really don’t expect this to get done, but there is no harm in asking.  You must admit, it would be a conversation piece.

·        An outdoor gas grill

So that I can be just like Mike and George

·        A tie rack that will fit on the back of my closet door

It’s amazing how I got used to the wire hangers (four of them) on the back of the door swinging to and fro and nearly forgot this great need.

·        Reunion’s calendar inserts for the book for 2003

This is not in conflict with Palm Pilot.  I use this for other things than I would use the Palm Pilot which was set up for me as a gift last year.